Thursday, June 17, 2010


OMG and hi but OMG we were rideing back from walmart and we were in the subdivision and there was a really cute little rabbit and i saidm "DADDY dont run over the rabbbit" and he put it in full gear and turn towards and i was about to die and then....... he turned away and i told the rabbit to run really fast and the rabbit went into are neighbors yard and then he left and i was sooooo scared. but yep that is the most exciting part of my dad! well comment follow and and love my blog

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hey guys the reason why i put them in all caps is because well it says it all..,. I am back!!!! wohh that drive took forever but the blue water and no oil and white sand ahhhh it was beautiful. But it is goos to be home! so now i am bak on my blog comment!